Tuesday, June 15, 2004


the storm has calmed
and the clouds dispersed
a trail of glitter follows
the star's curtain call

the beating heart rests
the dance has ceased
it's time to call it a day
time for thee to walk again

onwards my feet shall go
to a new and foreign place
He has called and girded me
and with Him i must obey

may flying colours rule the day
as i measure all my tears
for i have given up all that's dear
to find a piece of eternity here

some may call me rigid,
others infiexible or a fool
but how many will really know
that i'm not just a fool.

for heaven i give
my heart my soul
not just all that
but my life as well

may i bleed for the cross
than to bleed from thorns
i'll rather be alone now
than to be lost forever.

for i hear the Master's voice
and after it i must heed.
so farewell to the hurricane
and an ovation to the star

so i will cut off the vines
that i will enter heaven
alas that i shall not enter
because i have been entwined.

so thks for reading. this is peter. over and out.


Blogger Whiskoffee said...

Tough times dun last, tough people do...

9:20 AM  

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