Monday, August 02, 2004

let your love flow
into the valley
i feel your blood
cleansing me

what matters to me
is nothing but you
but all of you
in my life.

what matters to me
is all of you
all of you that's
all i need

Tuesday, July 20, 2004


everyone is a teenage superhero
your average superduper Mr Sensitive.
bullets can't even scratch them
but words tear through them like paper.
oh wish they had X-ray vision
to see my heart's little intention
don't push me like the revolving door
i'm flesh and blood, not lacquered wood.
every encounter is like a minefield
one trying to tread past the mines.
don't blow me up i plead
i'm just trying to be your friend

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

why is my little world
such a dreary place at times?
black and white transmission
instead of technicolor inspiration

everything that is been written
tinged with hurt and sorrow
the pain permeates through the words
like stepping on broken glass

let joy and laughter erupt
take dominion in this place
let love be the medium
to carry it to my heart

oh where oh where
can my baby be?

(to be continued...)


is it all over,
or is it not?
then why do i still pine
for that fleeting moment?

the battle's been lost
the war's been fought
broken heart and battered spirit
are the momentos of it all

the mirage appears before me
carrying desires that i crave
attempting to fill the hunger pangs
emanating from my innermost desires.

wallow no more in misery,
presevere onwards no more
put a sword to everything
let it be swift and decisive.

how much can i take?
how much can i bear?
i've become a pillar of salt
by glancing longingly at the past

a deft touch breaks me
the wind carries me away
lost forever in the sands of time
this is not what i want to be.

oh how hard it is to break
that dear image in my heart
will water flow from the spring again?
the answer is not for me to know.

let the wind sweep me away
far away from it all
that i may be free to glide
carefree like the birds in the air

when will happiness beckon
and knock at the door?
let she come in a hurrah
greetings with open arms

torn 1

In the valley of the shadows
there my spirit lies within
shattered dreams, broken hearts
the pale moonlight casts its glaze over me

torn between duty and desire
how i cry out in anguish
is the road that was meant for me
when i chose to pick up my cross

who will step into my shoes?
who will dare to even step into them?


a cavity forms in my heart again
and i feel the pain it causes
sense of emptiness shaken
with loneliness engulfed it

why has it reared its head again?
to kill, steal and destroy?
oh give me courage now
to fell it with one mighty swoop

let thee draw strength from
that well of water deep
pure and ever lasting
quenching my thirst


deep within the labryinth
of chambers of your heart
does my name take residence
even in the smallest of them?

do i or do i not?
i beseech you.
may the answer come,
like the break of dawn

enough of curtain calls
and the encores of man
life is not a stage,
to act out one's whelms.

how much do you care?
only when the good old
green eyed monster comes
a calling at your house?

a friend in deed is
a friend indeed.
where were you
when i needed u so dear?

now i'm alone again
ignored and cast aside.
am i your barbie doll,
permanently on display?

if you don't care for me
please walk away for good
lest i take up action and
offer you my left hand of fellowship

so depart from me i plead
and torment me no longer
roller coaster are no longer
the order of my day

may the star of old
sparkle and fade
let it fade into darkness
a distant memory


how sweet can it be
as honey as can be
to know and meet you
and to be your mate* (*UK eng for friend)

yet how bitter too
like the coarsest vinegar
that sparks will never fly
in this little stratosphere

i will offer solace and comfort
words of advice and of hope
my ear will always lean to you
but never will my heart follow heed

for scars are the wallpaper that
adorn the chambers of my heart
a silent witnesse to the many
arrows of Cupid and many falls

i'm unique and not a digit
in the crowd of amourous suitors
so i'll go far and away from you
that i'll never be hurt again.


the storm has calmed
and the clouds dispersed
a trail of glitter follows
the star's curtain call

the beating heart rests
the dance has ceased
it's time to call it a day
time for thee to walk again

onwards my feet shall go
to a new and foreign place
He has called and girded me
and with Him i must obey

may flying colours rule the day
as i measure all my tears
for i have given up all that's dear
to find a piece of eternity here

some may call me rigid,
others infiexible or a fool
but how many will really know
that i'm not just a fool.

for heaven i give
my heart my soul
not just all that
but my life as well

may i bleed for the cross
than to bleed from thorns
i'll rather be alone now
than to be lost forever.

for i hear the Master's voice
and after it i must heed.
so farewell to the hurricane
and an ovation to the star

so i will cut off the vines
that i will enter heaven
alas that i shall not enter
because i have been entwined.

so thks for reading. this is peter. over and out.

watever this may be III

met a pretty superstar
coursing thru the sky
shining purple and pink
brightly in the dark sky

my orbs went ballistic
as she waltzed by
my heart dancing to
the rhythm of the dance

soon my orbital began
around this pretty superstar
till it came to a fiery end
as i crash and burn to a crisp

as i dodge the hurricane
from sweeping me away
i smell the scent of the superstar
rising from the ashes of past

the heat is so intense
i am putty in her hands
make me or break me
who am i to know?

so don't copy N'SYNC
a puppet on strings.
or make me into a yoyo,
to go through high and lows.

scars from the distant past
are still fresh for all to see
may they be fully healed
and never to be ripped again

so i cry out to heaven
that far away be it from me
i'll rather be tossed
than to be burned once again.

this is to u ray! inspired by him

one day i met a girl.
she was hurricane personified.
as she came storming down
on my little world.

she was unique, different.
wildness tempered with innocence.
no wonder guys swarm ard her
like bees to honey

as i typed, people read.
not a lot but not that few
got to know how i felt
abt this destructive force.

alas, i'm getting caught in the hurricane.
oh someone pls save me
before i get lost again
in the sea of emotions.

these three i thank now
Cyn, Ray and Ying
isn't it amazing,
that u three will make me CRY?

thanks for your counsel,
both harsh and soothing words
so stand with me this hour
as i resist this hurricane

though i yearn to be caught in it,
my spirit cries otherwise
and years of sharpening,
has taught me to heed its cry.

so thank you for reading. this's been something by peter. =)

watever this may be II

i sit on the table and
i look at You Lord
wouldn't You clean my hands
and clean my heart as well?

i want to sit with You God
forever in this place
that we can talk forever
till the end of the day

i want to be cleansed
from my head to the toe
i want to be sanctified
like an offering to You

to be continued..

watever this may be

oh God, have u forsaken thee?
have u forgotten thee?
have thee sown in vain,
that thee shall reap not.

have thy seeds fallen on stony grd,
or have the birds plundered them in one fell swoop?
oh Lord, remember your servant
as he sows..
that You shall cause thee to reap in joy

i turn thy eyes to Thee
for my heart is in despair
but You shall surely bring hope
that will cause thy heart to glow

You are thy Rock,
and i shall be with Thee
till Thee comes again


because i write poems all across the shop as in the other blogs.. i guess might as well have a place where i can collate all of them. interesting to see how each and everyone is so different and unique.